The ticket feature is exclusive to clients and employees, so to open a ticket, you need to sign up on the Portal with your corporate e-mail address. Then we will send you an activation email and that is it: you can open your first ticket.

⚠️ Important! If you already interact with us by e-mail, you are already registered in the Ticket Portal. In your case, just click on Login and then Forgot my password to receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password. Check out more information in Forgot my password.

To sign up on the Portal, follow the steps below: 

1. Access the Copastur Ticket Portal

2. Click on the Cadastrar button in the top right corner;

3. Enter your name, surname, corporate e-mail and click on Registrar

⚠️ Important! As the ticket opening feature is exclusive to clients, it is important that you use your corporate e-mail address so that the sign-up can be activated successfully. 

4. Access the e-mail we sent you and click on the activation link: 

5. Enter your password and click on Ative sua conta

See more:

How to set the language